Gemm Travel


Día 01 –Tel Aviv

Bienvenida en el Aeropuerto de Tel Aviv por nuestro guía de habla hispana y traslado al hotel para cena y alojamiento.

Día 02 –Tel Aviv – Yaffo – Cesaréia – Haifa – Acco – Galiléia.

A la hora señalada salimos a visitar la ciudad de Tel Aviv, pasando por los principales sitios de interés; el Teatro Nacional Habima, el malecón Mediterráneo, los bulevares, la plaza municipal llamada hoy Plaza Itzjak Rabin para llegar a Yaffo, antigua puerta de entrada a Israel, hoy barrio de artistas y sitio donde Simón Pedro visitaba a Simón el curtidor; Continuación por la costa hasta Cesárea Marítima, antigua capital Romana, con su teatro Romano, fortaleza de los cruzados, acueducto Romano. Continuamos hacia Haifa, visitando la ciudad subiendo al monte Carmelo donde está la Gruta del Profeta Elías,. Asimismo contemplaremos el templo Bahai y sus jardines Persas. Vista panorámica de la ciudad y el puerto. Seguimos hacia la ciudad cruzada de ACCO, y visita al fuerte y la cripta de san Juan y las murallas medievales. Al final del día vamos a llegar al hotel en Tiberiades en la Galilea. Alojamiento y cena.

Día 03 –Tiberiades – Monte bienaventuranzas – Tabgha – Primado – Capernaum- Travesía en Barco por el Mar de Galiléia.

Salida hacia el Monte de las Bienaventuranzas, lugar del Sermón de la Montaña, y visita a la Iglesia. Se continúa a Tabgha donde tuvo lugar el Milagro de la Multiplicación de los Panes y los Peces, la iglesia del Primado, lugar de confirmación de Pedro y Capernaum, donde visitaremos la antigua sinagoga donde predicó Jesús y la casa de Simón Pedro. Travesía en barco por el Mar de la Galilea. Por la tarde visita al Río Jordán para renovar las Promesas Bautismales. Regreso al hotel, cena y alojamiento.

Dia 04 – Tiberiades – Golán – Monte Bental – Cesarea de Filipo – Tel Dan.

Salida hacia las alturas del Golán, subida al Monte Bental, con una magnifica vista panorámica al Golán, hasta Monta Hermón y Siria. Continuación del viaje a Banyas, conocida como Cesarea de Filipo, una de las principales fuentes del Rio Jordán. Tel Dan, la ciudad capital de la tribu de Dan y de la Dan springs.
Regreso al hotel, cena y alojamiento en Tiberiades.

Día 05 –Galiléia – Cana – Jericó – Jerusalén.

Salida hasta Nazaret donde se desarrolló la infancia y juventud de Jesús. Salida en dirección al Valle de Jezreel pasando por Naín, donde Jesús resucito al hijo de la viuda. Continuamos hacia Cana de Galilea donde tuvo lugar el primer Milagro de Jesús. Seguimos por el Valle del Jordán hasta el desierto de Judea, en el camino vamos a visitar la ciudad romana de BEIT SHEAN. Bordearemos el oasis de Jericó y veremos el Monte de la Tentación. Ascenso a Jerusalén por el desierto de Judea, pasando por la Posada del Buen Samaritano. Entrada a Jerusalén, ciudad mensajera de paz, cuna de las tres grandes religiones monoteístas. Alojamiento al hotel en Jerusalén y cena.

Día 06 – Jerusalén – Monte Scopus, Monte de los Olivos, Ciudad Antigua.

Salida para el Monte Scopus, sede de la Universidad Hebrea y vista panorámica de la ciudad. En el Monte de los Olivos visitaremos la Capilla de la Ascensión, la, el Huerto de Getsemaní. Continuaremos hacia la Ciudad Antigua para visitar la Iglesia de Santa Ana (lugar tradicional de la curación del paralítico) y la Piscina de Bethesda, Seguido para del Jardín de Túmulo .Regreso al hotel, cena y alojamiento.

Día 07 Jerusalén – Museos, Monte Sion, Muro de los Lamentos.

Salida para visitaremos en el Monte Sión la Tumba del Rey David, y el Cenáculo (sitio de la Ultima Cena). Muro de los Lamentos, sitio más sagrado para el Pueblo Judío en el mundo, al lado de la Explanada del Templo, donde están el Domo de la Roca y la Mezquita de el-Aksa. Regreso al hotel, cena y alojamiento.

Día 08 Masada, Qumrán, Mar Muerto.

Salida hacia Masada, último bastión Judío en la Revuelta contra Roma en el siglo I. En el camino pasaremos por la Posada del Buen Samaritano y aldeas beduinas y bordearemos la costa del Mar Muerto. Subiremos en Teleférico a la imponente fortaleza donde encontraremos ruinas Herodianas y de los Zelotes. A continuación viajaremos hacia Qumrán, donde fueron hallados los Manuscritos del Mar Muerto. Más tarde, descenderemos al lugar más bajo en toda la superficie terrestre (más de 400 mts. Bajo el nivel del mar) para bañarse y disfrutar de las saladísimas aguas. Regreso al hotel, cena y alojamiento.


Desayuno. Manan libre para disfrutar de compras o paseos en Jerusalén. En horario determinado, salida hacia el aeropuerto de Ben Gurion para embarque en el vuelo de regreso.


Upon our arrival at the Tel Aviv airport we will begin the thrilling journey of following in the footsteps of Jesus, driving to hotel in Tiberias, Dinner will be served at our hotel.


After a good night’s rest and a hearty breakfast we board our motor coach to Caesarea by the sea. We will visit the Crusader’s Castle, the Roman Amphitheater and water duct, and the port from which the Apostle Paul sailed to Rome. Driving through the Jezreel Valley we’ll visit Megiddo and continue to the fields of Armageddon (Revelation 16:16), continuing northward along the Mediterranean Sea to Haifa and Mt. Carmel – the biblical site of Elijah’s contest with the prophets of Baal (IKings:18). Traveling eastward across Galilee we will view Mt. Tabor (Psalm 89:12), Deboriya – the hometown of the prophetess Deborah – at the foothill of Mt. Tabor (Judges 4 and 5). Overnight at our hotel on the shores of the beautiful Sea of Galilee.


This day will be an exciting day in the Galilee area after a delicious breakfast. We will depart from the Roman hot springs resort city of Tiberias via a boat ride across the Sea of Galilee (recalling how Jesus calmed the water, and we can have a special worship service) then to Capernaum (John 6:24) to visit the ancient ruins of the first century synagogue where Jesus preached (Matt. 4:13-17). Then on to the Mt. of Beatitudes where Jesus preached the “Sermon on the Mount” (Matt. 5-7) and to Tabgha – the chapel dedicated to the multiplication of the loaves and fishes – (Mark 6:34-44). We will then proceed to upper Galilee and the site of Peter’s confession (Matt. 16:16) at Caesarea Phillipi and to Mt. Hermon (Psalm 89:12) the probable site of the Transfiguration (Matt. 17:1-8) and the present day Golan Heights where Israel, Lebanon and Syria come together. We will follow the fresh mountain waters of Mt. Hermon to the Sea of Galilee and to the outlet passage at the southern tip of the Sea. We will stop at the beautiful Pilgrims Park at the Jordan River; we will spend some time celebrating special baptismal service, recalling how Jesus himself was baptized in the same place. Then after the service we return to our hotel for overnight.


Early morning departure to Cana and then on to Nazareth, the hometown of Jesus, where we will visit the Church of the Annunciation (Luke 1:5-42) and Mary’s Fountain (Luke 4:16-22), Then we will cross the Sheikh Hussein Border to Amman, We will drive to Petra, rest of the day is free, dinner and overnight


This morning after breakfast, we visit Petra. This ancient Edomite and Nabatean capital was lost for almost 2,000 years and rediscovered in the 19th century. Arrive at El Ji Post and continue the one-mile journey on horseback, or walk, passing through the famous SIQ (natural gorge) and arrive at the “Treasury”. Visit the Nabatean Judgment Hall, Palace Tombs, famous Urn Temple and the Roman amphitheater carved from solid sandstone. Those willing to climb may view the monastery, and Jebel Harun (Mountain of Aaron) supposedily the burial place of Aaron. Horseback or carriage journey then we will drive to Amman for our accommodation hotel and overnight

DAY 06: SEP 21 AMMAN/ Allenby Bridge

After Breakfast we will leave Amman we drive to Mt. Nebo from where the Lord Showed Moses the holy land, visit the Greek Orthodox Church St. George, in Madaba. Hereafter we visit the City of Amman before we transfer to Allenby Bridge, then to our hotel in Jerusalem for dinner and Overnight.


After a night of rest and a hearty breakfast this exciting day will begin with a drive to Mt. Scopus and the Mt. of Olives (Matt. 24:3) for a panoramic view of the Old City of Jerusalem, visiting the chapel of the Ascension, the Church of Pater Noster and the Dominus Flevit. Walk along Hosanna Road to the Gethsemane to visit the Church of All Nations which stands on the Rock of Agony where Jesus was betrayed by Judas (Matt. 26:36-57). See the Pillar of Absalom, the Eastern (Golden) Gate and the Pinnacle of the Temple. Continue to visit to Bethlehem we will visit the Church of the Nativity, the birthplace of Jesus, and Shepherds Fields (Luke 2:1-20) then the Field of Boaz and Ruth (Ruth 1:16-17 & 4:13). We return to Jerusalem passing Rachel’s Tomb
Afternoon We then drive to Mt. Zion where we visit the Church of St. Peter in Gallicantu on the site of Caiphas’ House, the Room of the Last Supper (Luke 22:14-20) and the Tomb of King David, back to our hotel for dinner and overnight


Today begins with a walking tour of the Old City of Jerusalem. Starting at the Western Wall (Wailing Wall) where the faithful Jews cry their petitions to God, we continue to the Temple Area of Mt. Moriah. Visit the El Aksa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock that was built on the ancient site of Solomon’s Temple (Genesis 22:9-14) and over the Rock of Sacrifice where Abraham offered Isaac (Genesis 22) and the ceremonial sacrifice of animals took place. After this we walk along the Via Dolorosa to Pilate’s Judgment Hall, the Chapel of the Flagellation, the Ecce Homo Arch (John 19:13) where Jesus was tried before Pilate (Mark 15:6). Then continue through the Old City bazaars to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher last we will visit The Garden Tomb and Golgotha – Place of the Skull, We will spend a good time there for a special worship and communion service, and then we return to our hotel for dinner and overnight.


This morning we drive via the Judean Desert to the Dead Sea – the lowest point on earth, bring your swimming suite with you were we will have the chance to spend some time and float, and enjoy the healthy Dead Sea mud. A beautiful new road takes us south along the shores of the Dead Sea to Masada, a truly remarkable piece of history. Ascend to Masada by cable car to visit the magnificent ruins of the fortress where from 70-73 A.D. the Jewish defenders made the last stand of the Judean Revolt against Rome and where the remains of storehouses, cisterns and a sixth century Byzantine church are still on view. Return along the Dead Sea to Qumran where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered. Visit the remains of the Community Center of the Essenes and the Caves of the Scrolls. We continue on the Jericho Road viewing the Inn of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37). On the return to Jerusalem we visit Bethany, the home of Mary, Martha and Lazarus (John 11:1-46). On to our Jerusalem hotel for overnight


Transfer to Tel Aviv Airport for Departure.

Day 1: Arrival TLV – Jaffa – Tel Aviv for overnight

We arrive at Ben Gurion Airport near Tel Aviv, next stop will be the ancient port of Jaffa, the point from which Jonah tried to escape his calling to warn the people of Nineveh and location of Simon the Tanner’s house. Tel Aviv for overnight.

Day 2: Caesarea – Mt. Carmel – Megiddo – Nazareth – Galilee overnight

Today we travel north up the coast to start the our day at the fabulous ruins of the Herodian city of Caesarea Maritima, the site of the conversion of Cornelius and the location from which Paul left the shores of Israel and set sail on his journey to Rome. Continue to Mount Carmel, from here we will visit a spectacular viewpoint looking over the North of Israel, near the spot where Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal. We continue along the route of the ancient Via Maris to Megiddo, one of King Solomon’s cities, and according the Book of Revelation possibly the assembly point for the armies marching to the battle of Armageddon. We conclude our day at ancient Nazareth, Jesus’ boyhood home and place of His early ministry. Drive to kibbutz near the Sea of Galilee for overnight.

Day 3: Golan Heights – Mt. Hermon – Caesarea Philippi (Banias) – Mt. Bental – Dan Nature Reserve – “Jesus Boat”– Boat Ride – Galilee overnight

Today we explore Northern Israel, one of the most beautiful regions of the country. We will seek to understand what the Jewish people of 2,000 years ago expected of the Messiah, and how that was fulfilled in Jesus. We begin by climbing up to the magnificent Golan Heights. We will travel along the lower slopes of Mount Hermon – Israel’s highest mountain, and the most likely site of the Transfiguration. Our next stop is Caesarea Philippi, in the region where Peter made his famous confession that Jesus is the Messiah. Mt. Bental, a lookout spot near the border with Syria and the area of the road to Damascus where the Apostle Paul met the Lord. Our final stop is the Dan Nature Reserve, where we see the incredible archaeological remains of the Old city of Dan, including the city gate from the time of Abraham, and consider ancient Israel’s apostasy. We will also enjoy a pleasant walk by a stream and discuss the meaning of “living water” in the Hebrew Scriptures and Jesus’ teaching. Later in the afternoon we will visit Kibbutz Ginosar to see the “Jesus Boat”, a Galilean fishing boat from the First Century. From here we will set sail for a boat ride on the Lake to enjoy the views and reflective time.

Day 4: Mt. Beatitudes – Capernaum – Tabgha – Jerusalem overnight

We will start the day at Mount of Beatitudes, traditional site of the Sermon on the Mount, where we will consider the Kingdom of God in Jesus’ teachings. After a short walk or drive down the hill we will arrive at Capernaum, the town where Jesus lived during the majority of His ministry. At lovely Tabgha, which commemorates the multiplication of loaves and fish, and where Jesus met the disciples after the resurrection, we will enjoy a contemplative time on the shore of the Lake. Later in the afternoon leave the Galilee and journey south down the spectacular Syrian African Rift Valley to the Dead Sea in the arid Judean wilderness. At the end of the day we will make the final ascent to Jerusalem – the City of the Great King.

Day 5: Temple Mt. – Western Wall – Tunnels – Jewish Quarter – Jerusalem overnight

Temple Mount, where we’ll consider some of Jesus’ activities there, as well as the claims of Islam. After a visit to the Western Wall place of prayer, Judaism’s most holy site, we will take a trip to the subterranean Western Wall Tunnels to walk at what was street level in the time of Jesus. We then make our way through the Jewish Quarter of the Old City to see the Herodian Villas, the palatial mansions that were the home to the Sadducees, the ruling priesthood at the time of Jesus. We complete our day at the excavations near the base of the Temple Mount and discuss Pentecost on the Southern Steps where Jesus walked.

Day 6: Yad Vashem – Mahane Yehuda – Old City

Next we travel to Yad Vashem, the Israel Memorial Museum to the Holocaust. Here we examine the spiritual and theological roots of the most notorious genocide in history and the connection between the Church, Jesus and the Jewish people. In the afternoon we will explore colorful Mahane Yehuda open-air market, and walk back along Ben Yehuda Street, via Zion Square, and Jaffa Road to the Old City.

Day 7: New City Jerusalem – Israel Museum – Knesset – Bethlehem – Jerusalem

Today we will be touring the New city of Jerusalem.
first stop at the Model of the Herodian city of Jerusalem dating back to the time of the Second Temple. Travel to the Knesset, (Israeli Parliament). End the day with a visit to Bethlehem.
At Bethlehem we will cover the most important sites -Church of the Nativity and the Shepard’s field. Drive back to Jerusalem for Overnight

Day 8: Masada – Ein Gedi – Qumran – Dead Sea

We begin our day at Masada, Herod the Great’s magnificent fortress palace in the desert, and the last stand of the Zealots, a Jewish revolutionary group at the time of Jesus. From Masada we drive north to the beautiful subtropical oasis of Ein Gedi, where David hid from Saul. Depending on conditions, we can walk into the nature reserve and possibly to the waterfalls. We may see some wildlife, including the furry rock badger and the graceful ibex. We will also discuss the temptation of Jesus in the Wilderness. In mid-afternoon we will enjoy a float in the therapeutic mineral rich waters of the Dead Sea. Our last visit of the day will be Qumran, likely the home of the Essenes, a First Century Jewish sect which may have influenced early Christianity, and the site of the most exciting archaeological discovery ever made in Israel – the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Day 9: Mt. Olives – Gethsemane – Pools of Bethesda (St. Ann’s Church) – Via Dolorosa – Holy Sepulchre – Garden Tomb

Today we focus on sites related to the Biblical passages concerning Jesus’ last week in Jerusalem. Our goal is to understand why He was crucified, how He was buried, and what it meant to the Jewish people of the First Century that He was raised from the dead. We begin our day with a panoramic overlook of Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives, the site of Jesus’ ascension to heaven and His future second coming. After viewing a tomb from the time of Jesus, we will walk down the Mount of Olives to Gethsemane. Next we cross the Kidron Valley and enter the Old City through Stephen’s Gate, stopping to examine the remains of the Pool of Bethesda. Depending on the group’s interest, we may walk parts of the Via Dolorosa, stopping at several of the places mentioned in the Bible, and arrive at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the most likely site of the burial and resurrection of Jesus. We end our tour with a reflective time at a site that wonderfully illustrates Jesus’ burial and resurrection, the peaceful Garden Tomb.

Day 10: Departure

Transfer to the Airport for departure flight.


Upon our arrival at the Tel Aviv airport we will begin the thrilling journey of following in the footsteps of Jesus, driving to hotel in Tiberias, Dinner will be served at our hotel.


After a good night’s rest and a hearty breakfast we board our motor coach to Caesarea by the sea. We will visit the Crusader’s Castle, the Roman Amphitheater and water duct, and the port from which the Apostle Paul sailed to Rome. Driving through the Jezreel Valley we’ll visit Megiddo and continue to the fields of Armageddon (Revelation 16:16), continuing northward along the Mediterranean Sea to Haifa visit the Bahai Gardens, then continue to Mt. Carmel – the biblical site of Elijah’s contest with the prophets of Baal (IKings:18). Back to our hotel on the shores of the beautiful Sea of Galilee.


This day will be an exciting day in the Galilee area after a delicious breakfast. We will depart from the Roman hot springs resort city of Tiberias via a boat ride across the Sea of Galilee (recalling how Jesus calmed the water, and we can have a special worship service) then to Capernaum (John 6:24) to visit the ancient ruins of the first century synagogue where Jesus preached (Matt. 4:13-17). Then on to the Mt. of Beatitudes where Jesus preached the “Sermon on the Mount” (Matt. 5-7) and to Tabgha – the chapel dedicated to the multiplication of the loaves and fishes – (Mark 6:34-44). We will then proceed to upper Galilee and the site of Peter’s confession (Matt. 16:16) at Caesarea Phillipi and to Mt. Hermon (Psalm 89:12) the probable site of the Transfiguration (Matt. 17:1-8) and the present day Golan Heights where Israel, Lebanon and Syria come together. We will follow the fresh mountain waters of Mt. Hermon to the Sea of Galilee and to the outlet passage at the southern tip of the Sea. We will stop at the beautiful Pilgrims Park at the Jordan River we will spend some time celebrating special baptismal service, recalling how Jesus himself was baptized in the same place. Then after the service we return to our hotel for overnight.


Early morning departure to Cana and then on to Nazareth, the hometown of Jesus, where we will visit the Church of the Annunciation (Luke 1:5-42) and Mary’s Fountain (Luke 4:16-22). We continue to Bethshean and then south through the Jordan Valley to ancient Jericho where the walls came tumbling down (I Kings 17:1-6 and II Kings 2:19-22) and a commanding view of the Mt. of Temptation (Matt. 4:1-11) and Elisha’s Fountain. Then up to Jerusalem through the Judean wilderness. Overnight at our hotel in the Holy City of Jerusalem.


After a night of rest and a hearty breakfast this exciting day will begin with a drive to Mt. Scopus and the Mt. of Olives (Matt. 24:3) for a panoramic view of the Old City of Jerusalem, visiting the chapel of the Ascension, the Church of Pater Noster and the Dominus Flevit. Walk along Hosanna Road to the Gethsemane to visit the Church of All Nations which stands on the Rock of Agony where Jesus was betrayed by Judas (Matt. 26:36-57). See the Pillar of Absalom, the Eastern (Golden) Gate and the Pinnacle of the Temple. We then drive to Mt. Zion where we visit the Church of St. Peter in Gallicantu on the site of Caiphas’ House, the Room of the Last Supper (Luke 22:14-20) and the Tomb of King David, back to our hotel for dinner and overnight


This morning we start our tour with a visit to Bethlehem. We will visit the Church of the Nativity, the birthplace of Jesus, and Shepherds Fields (Luke 2:1-20) then the Field of Boaz and Ruth (Ruth 1:16-17 & 4:13). We return to Jerusalem passing Rachel’s Tomb
In the afternoon we continue to tour New Jerusalem: Yad Vashem (The Holocaust Musuem) Hebrew University, the Shrine of the Book that houses the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the Model City of Jerusalem which, Return to our hotel for overnight.


Today begins with a walking tour of the Old City of Jerusalem. Starting at the Western Wall (Wailing Wall) where the faithful Jews cry their petitions to God, we continue to the Temple Area of Mt. Moriah. Visit the El Aksa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock that was built on the ancient site of Solomon’s Temple (Genesis 22:9-14) and over the Rock of Sacrifice where Abraham offered Isaac (Genesis 22) and the ceremonial sacrifice of animals took place. A visit to the Western Wall Tunnel. After this we walk along the Via Dolorosa to Pilate’s Judgment Hall, the Chapel of the Flagellation, the Ecce Homo Arch (John 19:13) where Jesus was tried before Pilate (Mark 15:6). Then continue through the Old City bazaars to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, back to the hotel for dinner and overnight.


This morning we drive via the Judean Desert to the Dead Sea – the lowest point on earth. Bring your swimming suites with you were we will have the chance to spend some time and float, and enjoy the healthy Dead Sea mud. A beautiful new road takes us south along the shores of the Dead Sea to Masada, a truly remarkable piece of history. Ascend to Masada by cable car to visit the magnificent ruins of the fortress where from 70-73 A.D. the Jewish defenders made the last stand of the Judean Revolt against Rome and where the remains of storehouses, cisterns and a sixth century Byzantine church are still on view. Return along the Dead Sea to Qumran where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered. Visit the remains of the Community Center of the Essenes and the Caves of the Scrolls. We continue on the Jericho Road viewing the Inn of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37). On the return to Jerusalem we visit Bethany, the home of Mary, Martha and Lazarus (John 11:1-46). On to our Jerusalem hotel for overnight.


We will start by visiting Ein Karem, the birth place of John the Baptist, and then we will continue to Visit Ancient Joppa on the Sea where Jonah set sail, and where Peter raised Dorcas from the dead. Joppa was the home of Simon the Tanner and in the afternoon will visit The Garden Tomb and Golgotha – Place of the Skull, we will spend a good time there for a special worship and communion service, and then we return to our hotel for dinner and overnight.


Transfer to Tel Aviv Airport for Departure.

Day 1: Arrival in Israel / Tiberias (or Nazareth)

Arrive in Ben Gurion Airport, Tel Aviv, where you will be met by our guide. Proceed to Tiberias (or Nazareth) for dinner and overnight.

Day 2: Nazareth – Cana of Galilee – Mt Tabor

After breakfast we drive to Nazareth. Visit Mary’s well and the Church of the Annunciation, where the angel Gabriel appeared to Virgin Mary and announced the birth of Jesus Christ. Continue to Cana of Galilee, where Jesus performed the first miracle, turning water into wine at the wedding feast. In the afternoon, we drive to the summit of Mt. Tabor to visit the Basilica of the Transfiguration.
Return to the hotel for dinner and overnight.

Day 3: See of Galilee – Jordan River

Following breakfast we start the day with a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee. Proceed to Capernaum, home of our Lord during his ministry. After visiting the synagogue where he preached, we drive on to Tabgha. Visit the site where Jesus fed 5000 men marked by the Church of Multiplication of the Loaves and Fish. Then to the Church of St. Peter’s Primacy. Go on to Mt. of Beatitudes, where Jesus has preached the Sermon of the Mountain to his Disciples.
Our journey continues and our next stop is at the traditional baptismal site, where we renew our baptismal vows.
Return to the hotel for dinner and overnight stay.

Day 4: Jericho – Dead Sea – Jerusalem (or Bethlehem)

We drive down the Jordan Valley to Jericho, the oldest city in the world. View Mt. of Temptation, where Jesus fasted for forty days and nights. On to the Dead Sea, the lowest spot on Earth to enjoy a swim in its rich mineral waters. Visit Qumran, the caves where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered by a wandering shepherd. Before reaching Jerusalem, we make a stop at Bethany to visit the house of Mary, Martha and Lazarus and the Tomb of Lazarus.
Back to hotel for dinner and overnight in Jerusalem (or Bethlehem).

Day 5: Mount of Olives – Bethlehem

Begin the day enjoying a spectacular morning view of the “Golden City” of Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives. Visit the church of Pater Noster, the Chapel of Ascension and then walk the “Palm Sunday Road” to the Garden of Gethsemane. Visit the Rock of Agony where Jesus prayed for God’s will to be done.
We continue to Bethlehem and visit the Basilica of the Nativity, the Manger, the Church of St. Catherine, the Grotto of St. Jerome and the Shepherds’ Field, where the angel appeared to the shepherds and led them to Bethlehem.
Back to hotel for dinner and overnight in Jerusalem (or Bethlehem).

Day 6: Old Jerusalem

Enter the Old City of Jerusalem via the Dung Gate and see the Western Wall, the Al Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock Mosques. Visit the Church of St. Anne and view the pool of Bethesda. Visit the Chapel of Flagellation, Lithostrotos and the Arch of “Ecce Homo”.
Follow the Via Dolorosa through the alleys and the bazaars to the holiest shrine in the Christendom, the Basilica of Resurrection to visit the Golgotha and Tomb of Our Lord.
Back to hotel for dinner and overnight in Jerusalem (or Bethlehem).

Day 7: Mount Sion – Ein Karem

Drive to Mt. Zion to visit the Upper Room and Church of the Dormition where the Blessed Virgin Mary went to eternal sleep. Then on to the Church of St. Peter in Gallicantu, where Peter denied Jesus tree times.
Drive on to Ein Karem, the birthplace of St. John the Baptist, see the Church of the Visitation, where the Blessed Virgin Mary proclaimed her famous hymn of thanksgiving known as “the Magnificat”.
Dinner and overnight in the hotel.

Day 8: Departure

After breakfast, transfer to Ben Gurion airport for departures.

Day 1: Arrival in Israel / Tiberias (or Nazareth)

Arrive in Ben Gurion Airport, Tel Aviv, where you will be met by our guide. Proceed to Tiberias (or Nazareth) for dinner and overnight.

Day 2: Nazareth – Cana of Galilee – Mt Tabor

After breakfast we drive to Nazareth. Visit Mary’s well and the Church of the Annunciation, where angel Gabriel appeared to Virgin Mary and announced the birth of Jesus Christ. Continue to Cana of Galilee, where Jesus performed the first miracle, turning water into wine at the wedding feast. In the afternoon, we drive to the summit of Mt. Tabor to visit the Basilica of the Transfiguration. Return to the hotel for dinner and overnight.

Day 3: See of Galilee – Jordan River

We take a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee. Proceed to Capernaum, home of our Lord during his ministry. After visiting the synagogue where he preached, drive on to Tabgha. Visit the site where Jesus fed 5000 men marked by the Church of Multiplication of the Loaves and Fish. Then to the Church of St. Peter’s Primacy. Go on to Mt. of Beatitudes, where Jesus has preached the Sermon of the Mountain to his Disciples.
Our journey continues and our next stop is at the traditional baptismal spot, where we renew our baptismal vows.
Return to the hotel for dinner and overnight stay.

Day 4: Madaba – Mt Nebo – Petra

After breakfast cross the Sheikh Hussein border. Drive to Madaba, visit St. George monastery and see the unique mosaic map of the Holy Land. Continue to Mount Nebo from which Moses first glimpsed the Holy land. Proceed to Petra for dinner and overnight.

Day 5: Petra – Jericho

Full day visit of Petra, the wonderful pink stone city. Cross the border with Israel via Allenby. Continue to Jericho for dinner and overnight.

Day 6: Masada – Qumran – Dead Sea – Jericho

Drive to Masada and visit the site. Continue to Qumran where the famous old manuscripts were founded. Continue to a Dead Sea beach: swim, float, and sunbathing. Visit Jericho and return to the hotel for dinner and overnight.

Day 7: Jerusalem – Bethlehem

Begin the day enjoying a spectacular morning view of the “Golden City” of Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives. Visit the church of Pater Noster, the Chapel of Ascension and then walk the “Palm Sunday Road” to the Garden of Gethsemane. Visit the Rock of Agony where Jesus prayed for God’s will to be done.
We continue to Bethlehem and visit the Basilica of the Nativity, the Manger, the Church of St. Catherine, the Grotto of St. Jerome and the Shepherds’ Field, where the angel appeared to the shepherds and led them to Bethlehem.
Continue to Jerusalem or Bethlehem hotel for dinner and overnight.

Day 8: Old Jerusalem

Enter the Old City of Jerusalem via the Dung Gate and see the Western Wall, the Al Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock Mosques. Visit the Church of St. Anne and view the pool of Bethesda. Visit the Chapel of Flagellation, Lithostrotos and the Arch of “Ecce Homo”. Follow the Via Dolorosa through the alleys and the bazaars to the holiest shrine in the Christendom, the Basilica of Resurrection to visit the Golgotha and Tomb of Our Lord. Dinner and overnight in the hotel.

Day 9: Mount Sion – Ein Karem

Drive to Mt. Zion to visit the Upper Room and Church of the Dormition where the Blessed Virgin Mary went to eternal sleep. Then on to the Church of St. Peter in Gallicantu , where Peter denied Jesus tree times.
Drive on Ein Karem, the birthplace of St. John the Baptist, see the Church of the Visitation, where the Blessed Virgin Mary proclaimed her famous hymn of thanksgiving known as the Magnificat. Back to the hotel for dinner and overnight.

Day 10: Departure

After breakfast, transfer to Ben Gurion airport and flight home.

Day 1: Arrival in Amman – Jordan

Arrival at Amman Airport where you will be met by our local guide. Sightseeing of Amman. Transfer to hotel for dinner and overnight.

Day 2: Madaba – Mt Nebo – Petra

After breakfast drive to Medina, visit St. George monastery and see the unique mosaic map pf the Holy Land. Continue to Mount Nebo from which Moses first glimpsed the Holy land. Visit many castles in the desert: Kerask, Um Arras, Herodes Castle. Proceed to Petra for dinner and overnight.

Day 3: Petra- Jericho -Jerusalem

Full day visit of Petra, the wonderful pink stone city. Cross the border with Israel via Allenby. Visit Jericho and continue to Jerusalem for dinner and overnight.

Day 4: Jerusalem

Begin the day enjoying a spectacular morning view of the “Golden City” of Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives. Visit the church of Pater Noster, the Chapel of Ascension and then walk the “Palm Sunday Road” to the Garden of Gethsemane. Visit the Rock of Agony where Jesus prayed for God’s will to be done. Drive to Mt. Zion to visit the Upper Room and Church of the Dormition where the Blessed Virgin Mary went to eternal sleep. Then on to the Church of St. Peter in Gallicantu where Peter denied Jesus tree times. Follow the Via Dolorosa through the alleys and the bazaars to the holiest shrine in the Christendom, the Basilica of Resurrection to visit the Golgotha and Tomb of Our Lord. Dinner and overnight in the hotel.

Day 5: Bethlehem – Jerusalem – Ein Karem

Drive to Bethlehem and visit the Basilica of the Nativity, the Manger, the Church of St. Catherine, the Grotto of St. Jerome and the Shepherds’ Field, where the angel appeared to the shepherds and led them to Bethlehem. Drive on to the New City of Jerusalem to see the scale mode of this ancient city as it was during the time of Jesus. On the way to the Knesset (the Parliament of Israel), drive to the Shrine of the Book where the Dead Sea Scrolls are housed. On to Ein Karem, the birthplace of St. John the Baptist, see the Church of the Visitation, where the Blessed Virgin Mary proclaimed her famous hymn of thanksgiving known as the Magnificat. Back to hotel for dinner and overnight.

Day 6: Mt Tabor – Nazareth – Cana of Galilee

Through the Jordan River valley we drive to the Galilee region and to the summit of Mt. Tabor to visit the Basilica of the Transfiguration. Continue to Nazareth, visit Mary’s well and the Church of the Annunciation, where angel Gabriel appeared to Virgin Mary and announced the birth of Jesus Christ. Continue to Cana of Galilee, where Jesus performed the first miracle, turning water into wine at the wedding feast. Drive to hotel for dinner and overnight.

Day 7: Sea of Galilee – Jordan River

After breakfast enjoy a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee. Proceed to Capernaum, home of our Lord during his ministry. After visiting the synagogue where he preached, drive on to Tabgha. Visit the site where Jesus fed 5000 men marked by the Church of Multiplication of the Loaves and Fish. Then to the Church of St. Peter’s Primacy. On to Mt. of Beatitudes, where Jesus has preached the Sermon of the Mountain to his Disciples. Our journey continues and our next stop is at the traditional baptismal spot, where we renew our baptismal vows. Return to the hotel for dinner and overnight.

Day 8: Dead Sea – Qumran

Drive to the Dead Sea, the lower spot on earth. Visit Qumran where the famous old manuscripts were founded. Continue to a Dead Sea beach: swim, float and sunbathing. Proceed to hotel in Dead Sea area for dinner and overnight.

Day 9: St. Katherine Monastery

Cross the border with Egypt via the Taba border. Drive to St. Catherine’s Monastery. Visit the Burning Bush, Moses Water Well and the two Chapels. Dinner and overnight in the hotel.

Day 10: Mt. Sinai – Cairo – River Nile cruise

Early morning ascend Mt. Sinai, on which Moses received the Ten Commandments Scrolls. It is believed that ascending the mountain and greeting the sunset there grants absolution. After breakfast, drive to Cairo. At night enjoy a cruise on the River Nile with dinner and a belly dancer performance. Overnight at the hotel.

Day 11: Cairo

Tour the city of Cairo. See the Giza Pyramids, which are recognized among the largest structures ever built and are the only remaining monuments of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Visit the museum of Egypt; see the collection of Tutankhamen treasures. Visit Han El Halili, the central city market, where you will have time to walk around and shopping. Free time. Dinner and overnight.

Day 12: Departure

Transfer to the Cairo airport for departures.

See Also